Begin the new year on a sweet note!
Dr Kriti Rao, a dentist who loves baking, had recently shared a delectable cupcake recipe using the Assam Masala Tea from Chai Point as the ‘secret ingredient’. Here she shares another tea laced goodie from her repertoire
This one is one of her favourites –the Masala Chai Panna cotta!
What you need:
- 2 1/2 cups full fat cream
- 2 tsp gelatin
- 1 cup sugar
- Half a cup of the masala chai tea concentrate- make this concentrate by using the Chai Point Assam Masala Tea. Boil half a cup of full fat milk with five tablespoons of the blend for about 3 minutes. Strain and set aside.
Pour the cream into a saucepan and sprinkle gelatine over it and let it stand for 10 minutes. On low heat, add sugar and stir the mixture; slowly, add the tea concentrate and stir continuously, bringing it to near boiling. Remove from heat, strain and pour the dessert into ramekins. Refrigerate for four hours at least.
Your soft, smooth melt-in-the-mouth dessert is ready!
The delicious, light dessert makes for the perfect sweet end to heavy meals. It can also serve as part of an evening soiree of just desserts and hot cocktails – a party with a difference. For a little savoury, lay out some quiche and crisps which pairs perfectly with the Masala Chai Panna cotta.
awesome tea in evening with banana cake made my day. thanks to the deliver guy Rahul who deliver at the right tym.
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