Tag: chaitime

Chai On WhatsApp

As we’re all slowly staggering back into our work and daily rhythms as they used to be pre-COVID-19, there’s many of us who are looking at or have already been ordering online, to not be overburdened by the necessity to prep meals AND contribute to a full working day...

Revamping Your Workplace

As you’re reading this, it’s maybe been a while since most of you worked out of office spaces, Tech Parks and such and by the time the pandemic has seen its end, you’re probably gearing up to go have a great work day back at your offices and workspaces!...

From the Paranthasphere

Let’s wind back the clocks a little. To a time before the supposedly magical lure of fast food. When wholesome ingredients, indigenous recipes and ghar ka khana were at its finest.  While there is always talk of trending food and healthy fads such as millets, granola, smoothie bowls, oats,...

The New Normal?

These are challenging times we live in. From the initial days of being under a temporary COVID-shaped shadow. Everything seemed unclear when it all started to now where social distancing, frantic searches for hand sanitiser and face masks have become the new normal. As Zoom and Google Hangouts become...

Every Delivery, Safe Delivery

It could be one of those days where you are overwhelmed with work, overburdened by news and overspent physically and emotionally. You want to make Chai for yourself but getting off the couch seems like a distant milestone. You’re craving for some chakna too, but that too requires getting up from...

Staffed & Suited For Your Safety

As you stay indoors and feel the restlessness to step out grow every passing day, there’s always a thought that if you were to step out what would be the safest place to go. You may be tempted to go eat some pani puri in your area or hit...

The Evening Chai Ritual

Home – where you seek some much-needed relaxation at the end of a long day! And just as you’d do for everything else you hold dear, you may have a go-to ritual as soon as you walk into your home at the end of a long, hectic day.  Whether...

Now Brewing: A Worry-free Chai Break

You may have been recently called back to the office or are going yourself to get work done. Most offices, workspaces and businesses are starting to open up and while ‘Work From Home’ remains the new normal, there are definitely those of us who are starting to go back...

Coming Back to Chai

It’s been more than a couple of months, since any of us got a taste of the social life we were so used to. The hustle and bustle of city life is a bit overwhelming and sometimes stepping out with friends or colleagues for a bite to eat or...

Trust & Safety: Technology Edition

As we’re all slowly staggering back into our work and daily rhythms as they used to be pre-COVID-19, there’s many of us who are looking at or have already been ordering online, to not be overburdened by the necessity to prep meals AND contribute to a full working day...