Tag: WorkFromHome

Trust & Safety: Technology Edition

As we’re all slowly staggering back into our work and daily rhythms as they used to be pre-COVID-19, there’s many of us who are looking at or have already been ordering online, to not be overburdened by the necessity to prep meals AND contribute to a full working day...

The ABC of WFH

As working remotely continues to be the new normal through the COVID-19 pandemic, we see most of you have already hit the groove when it comes to really optimising your Work From Home schedules! Balancing calls and mails requires a certain amount of focus and quiet, so it’s important...

Do The Cold Brew!

While we’re all sitting at home hoping and waiting for the COVID-19 situation to reach it’s end, we thought we’d help all of you looking to learn, practice and perfect a skill or two with the down time you have. And since summer is around the corner, we thought...

A Letter to our Chai Community

Dear Chai Community, It’s been a while since we last connected here and we hope that as you are reading this, you are indoors and safe, while we learn how to deal with the outbreak of COVID-19 together.  It’s really important that we keep each other safe during such...